Private Training

Private sessions are $60.00 an hour.

 Private training is ideal for dog owners that need a more low key environment to begin their dogs education. Dogs that react inappropriately to being out in public benefit greatly from learning what to do before they go outside in the big crazy world.

Many dogs become overstimulated when they get out in public. Private training works to help dogs focus on their owners instead of what goes on around them.  Once you and your dog are working together and have developed a clear communication, I recommend enrolling in a class. Class structure offers a more controlled exposure to other dogs and people than just going out on your own.

The first session lasts approximately an hour. During this first appointment I am able to understand what your specific needs are and tailor a plan to help you begin working with your dog.  You will learn  several skills in your first session that will immediately begin to affect your dogs behavior.

All other sessions are billed per hour but divided into 20 minute training sessions. Once you understand how to communicate with your dog, I find private training sessions are very effective and do not need to be scheduled for long periods of time.

My goal is for all dogs to be able to attend a class.  Of course, if you are not able or are not interested in classes but still want a well behaved pooch, private training is the way to go!

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