Sunday, March 9, 2014


So in the last month my schedule has exploded.  My other work has kept me very busy as well as my dog clients.  I've realized today I've dropped the ball on a few things.  Y'know that feeling when you realize "ohh no, i was supposed to do that thing!".  It's not a good feeling. You sort of feel like you're pulling a large stone uphill and it's a losing battle.  Well, a daily routine and consistency can change all of that.  If I set aside 30 minutes each day to follow up with my private clients nobody will be left stranded.  Nothing gets left undone and my day runs smoothly.

Training is the same way. If you want a specific outcome like your dog sitting by the door instead of rushing to go through it, you have to set aside time every day to practice that skill.  Just practicing in a class environment will get you a few steps closer to success but not all the way! 

Do me a favor,  pick a skill that you want to learn or pick a behavior you want to get rid of in your dog.  Ask yourself if you know how to train the "right" behavior. If you do, start practicing twice a day for 2 minutes at a time.  Yes, you heard me right.  TWO minutes.  Remember, you're targeting ONE skill.  Train for one week.  Then, after one week see what happens.  You'll more than likely give your dog the verbal cue for the behavior you want before he does anything wrong. SHAZAM!!! your dog will toss his butt onto the floor for a sit at the  door command!! (ok, maybe it won't sound like shazam, but you get my point).

How can our dogs know what we want if we do not consistently tell them?  If we let them get away with the wrong behavior half the time or even a third of the time they won't really know what they should do. We give our dogs mixed signals all their lives.  They try so hard to figure us out but we're supposed to be the smarter creature.

Let's set them up for success folks.

Like life, choose one thing to change at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself and your dog.

If you don't know where to start, ask me!
"Starting a dog training revolution in Northwest Arkansas."

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